The Accru Felsers story begins in 1941. As we celebrate over 78 years in business, we look at the key people and milestones that have shaped the firm’s international capabilities.

30 year old Viennese accountant Gerhard Felser establishes ‘Felsers Chartered Accountants’ in Sydney, after narrowly escaping wartime Europe to save his Jewish wife.

1940s – 1960s
Gerhard Felser builds a large clientele of European immigrant businesses and becomes Consul General for Austria. We retain close ties with Advantage Austria (the Austrian Trade Commission) today.

Felsers is a founding member of the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, established in Sydney to support German businesses in Australia. We remain an active participant.

Felsers Managing Partner, John Westmacott, establishes an Australasian accounting network known as ‘CA Associates Australasia’.

We join the global association CPA Associates International (CPAAI) and start using our international connections to help clients invest, export and manufacture overseas.

German-born partner and auditor Michael Kersch builds partnerships with Roedl & Partner, one of the largest accounting firms in Germany, and with Intergest international business outsourcing specialists. He also reinvigorates relationships with the German & Austrian business communities.

Led by Michael, Felsers builds strong audit expertise for German-speaking, privately-owned multi-nationals with Australian operations. Rebecca Beitzel establishes a successful outsourced accounting division and Glenda Nixon builds our international tax services. We provide a full range of services for global businesses.

Led by Michael, Felsers builds strong audit expertise for German-speaking, privately-owned multi-nationals with Australian operations. Rebecca Beitzel establishes a successful outsourced accounting division and Glenda Nixon builds our international tax services. We provide a full range of services for global businesses.

The 2000s
Our experience with German clients in manufacturing, wholesale and high tech helps develop our strengths for local businesses in these industries. Some of the grandchildren of our original European clients have become lawyers, doctors, dentists and pharmacists leading to a specialisation in the legal and health sectors, led by Greg Newbury.

Glenda Nixon becomes Managing Partner, having built a strong tax practice and industry profile – a progressive move for women in accounting at the time.

The ‘CA Associates’ Australasian network, now a Top 30 firm with over 30 partners and 200 staff, is rebranded ‘Accru Felsers Chartered Accountants’. ‘Felsers’ becomes ‘Accru Felsers.’

Brett Cox boosts our tax practice and he and Rebecca Beitzel lead our early move to utilise software convergence and cloud accounting technologies for our business and our clients. Over the last decade, our experience with high-tech businesses and love of new technologies has led us to working with venture capitalists and exciting young businesses in the digital media, artificial intelligence, fintech and big data.

Accru Felsers begins working closely with CPAAI partner firms in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia to service clients expanding to those countries. Steven Zabeti leads diverse inbound engagements for Asian businesses, such as stock market listings, agribusiness investments and property ventures.

2016 onwards
Our long-standing international partnerships and our high calibre, bilingual accountants enable us to deliver services seamlessly across the world. Our Sydney team speak German, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay and Tamil. Read more about Accru Felsers multicultural history and multilingual ability in Chartered Accountants ANZ Acuity magazine article “Speaking in Tongues” May 2016 and in CPAAI EMEA region newsletter June 2016, or visit our International Insights blog for tips and articles from Accru Felsers international specialists and our wider international business community.
At the heart of Accru Felsers’ story lies our belief in diversity, equality and inclusiveness. These principles continue to guide how we grow our firm and support people of all backgrounds, viewpoints and talents to achieve their best professionally and in business. Our inclusive environment helps foster collaboration, greater understanding and problem-solving. Inclusion is a key part of our success.
If you would like to be part of our journey, please get in touch.