In order to better protect your personal information, we have implemented an electronic signing process through FuseSign. If we notify you of upcoming FuseSign documents but after some time you still have not received any such email, please check your Junk Mail and whitelist the address. If it is not found there, please contact us directly. If you prefer to not use electronic signing please notify us and we will revert back to the PDF print, scan and return process.
The FuseSign process should be much more secure than delivering your documents through email (which are generally sent as plain text across the internet).
General FuseSign instructions:
Step 1 Review the FuseSign email. Open the link (Open Document bundle) to begin the signing process (or copy the link at the bottom of the email into your web browser).
Step 2 Please click the Get Started (or if present the Request code then Get Started) button. Please read your documents carefully and when ready choose the Start Signing and Sign Document Buttons. If easier, you may want to print the document at this stage for your own perusal.
Step 3 If prompted, click Verify, enter a code again and press Sign once available. Type your name in the text box provided and press Sign.
Step 4 Once all documents and signing fields are complete, you will be presented with a ‘You’re done!’ confirmation and receive an email to download your signed documents. Your documents will be available for 60 Days or until archived by our staff.